Will the Circle be Unbroken?

Will the Circle be Unbroken?

Bishnoi Village, Rajasthan, India. June 2017

Will the Circle be Unbroken RAW



Sitting down peacefully and having time to take photographs is not always a possibility in the non stop hecticness that is India. Im this case we were lucky to be welcomed into a families courtyard to watch and learn as the daily chapatis, or flat bread, was made.

Knowing that I would want to take this opportunity to sit and take lots of photographs, my brother made sure I got a front row seat. It was a joy to be able to snap away at what was happening before me; to make sure I got the colour of the people and the wall made of cow poo. I waited for the circular chapatis to mirror the circular dishes; for the woman to smile and for the child to do what children do best; daydream. Then snap!